Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weight Loss Time

It's that time of year when people get self-concious about their bodies. When the new Spring collections are revealed and all the girls want to fit into those tiny sizes. I have never really participated in that. I like having a little meat on my bones, but over the winter I have gained more than I should or normally do, and I need to shed some pounds. My roommate and I made it into a challenge where we keep a chart on which we record our weight every day. Or are supposed to record our weight every day. That doesn't actually happen, and I don't like looking at the chart and seeing that I need to lose 30+ pounds while she doesn't even need to lose 10. Not very encouraging I must say because I always feel like I'm failing. I don't want to lose weight with someone who is already super skinny! (No offense, Christina, you look great.) So I'm going to keep up with my weight and process here so that I have a place of my own where I don't have to compare myself with anyone else. So here we go.
Current Weight: 177
Goal Weight: 134

It's take a lot for me to post my weight on here because I'm very not happy about it. But I need to get motivated not just to fit into my bridesmaids dress and not just because I want to fit into smaller sizes, but I want to lead a healthier, more active lifestyle. It also has some to do with the fact that I get sick a lot and have a fairly weak immune system. Being more active might improve that and I certainly want to give it a shot. Saturday will be my weekly weigh in for keeping up with it here. Of course I'll still keep up with the chart on a daily basis in order to keep a more detailed record.

So here's to weight loss!

God bless,

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