Thursday, March 24, 2011

Goodbye, Camp

This summer I will not be returning to summer camp for the first time since I was 11, and specifically to Camp St. Thekla since I was 16. It would have been my fifth year on staff, but I decided it was time to let that go. I knew last summer would be just that, my last summer. I didn't actually confirm it though because I wanted to enjoy the time for what is was and not spend my time being sad about not coming back. And it worked, I guess. I haven't been sad about not going back. The timing is right, I have too many other obligations for this summer, and I feel good about leaving. I wasn't upset about leaving, or not seeing my friends because I have so many ways of keeping in touch with them, and I know I've had many wonderful summers at camp. It's time for me to step aside and let someone else experience that too. I was completely comfortable with my decision to not go back until tonight. I don't want to say that I'm uncomfortable now, but I felt a twinge of sadness that turned into watery-eyed sadness when I thought about all the campers I loved, who loved me back, that I wouldn't see again. Particularly the girls from cabin 1, session 1 last summer. My wonderful girls who loved me so well, and made me smile every day. The girls who cried with me on the last night in our rooms and wrote me notes in my notebook on the last morning telling me they love me and saying goodbye. The girls who made me feel worthwhile. As a counselor I've never actually cried with my campers when they left, but those sweet young girls penetrated my defenses and pierced right through to my heart.
Also, my girls from 2nd session who were a very different group of girls, but still made their way into my heart forever with all of our late night talks and funny stories. Those sweet young girls and so many other campers who have impacted my life forever are what I regret about not going to camp this year. I don't regret my decision. It is necessary and right, but I will miss seeing all those smiling faces. I miss it most profusely.
I must admit I'm surprised at my reaction to all this. I saw some pictures of campers on Facebook and that's when all these sentiments hit me. It's surprising. I always thought it would be the other staff members that I missed most. However, they are not. I certainly do miss my dear friends from staff, and I'm better for knowing them, but not seeing them this summer does not make me sad. I know we're becoming adults (weird, huh) and at some point we have to leave camp for good. For some of us, it's part of growing up. It's the way it has to be, and I'm okay with that. I can still contact them whenever I like through many different means of communication. But the campers have clearly left an impression on me that I did not completely see at first, and now do. I don't completely understand it yet, but I know it will last a very long time. I am eternally grateful and will always miss those beautiful, smiling faces.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Garden is coming together!

Today is an exciting day. I have officially finished my garden, which lays in my parent's front yard. Yesterday I got down and dirty and finished planting my flowers. I was unable to do it last week because everyday I had time, the weather didn't agree and rained a lot. Finally yesterday, even though it was a little chilly, I finished. Now I'm in the process of finishing some potted plants that will go on my parents' front porch and my back porch. I'm very excited because I have a lot of different, colorful flowers. Soon I'll post a list on here with pictures. So far my garlic has sprouted, which is wonderful because I only planted it about 2 weeks ago. And some of my flowers from last year have sprouted as well. I can't exactly remember which ones, but I'm pretty sure it's the daffodils. This morning I began potting the flowers for my back porch. I have an azalea, poppies, and some basil. Okay, a lot of basil. I also have a pot of basil at my parents house. We love fresh basil!
There's one thing I need to work on now. A name. Yes, I want a name for my garden. Suggestions and ideas are always welcome. :) Now I'm off to class!

God Bless,

Sunday, March 6, 2011

True Forgiveness

Forgiveness Sunday, it's a day when you set aside all of the pettiness and anger against other people. You set it aside, and you don't pick it back up. It's gone forever...or at least it should be.
Every year when I participate in Forgiveness Sunday, I really hope that all the things I've been angry or upset or frustrated about are gone forever. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to succeed at this, at least for me anyway. At some point after I have cast aside my grievances, I begin to find them again. Whether it's the same week or next month, I pick them back up, and sometimes I don't even realize it until it's happened. Simply using past transgressions as ammo for an argument, or talking about them with others to express our anger with something, they come back. We let them come back. I let them come back. I've never really taken the time to sit down and think about this. How difficult it really is to forgive another! When God forgives us, He absolves our sins. They are gone, and we are clean again. It's a beautiful feeling to be forgiven, truly forgiven, but when we refuse to forgive each other we are robbing ourselves of God's grace and forgiveness.
I have to ask myself why I can't forgive as easily as I should. Who am I to hold onto past transgressions? Regardless of whether someone else is sorry or not, I'm no better if I cannot see past my own pride and forgive. Ah, there it is. Pride. We don't forgive because we are prideful. This person hurt me, and I have a right to be angry. They don't deserve my forgiveness. Here's the deal. Forgiveness is not about what you deserve. If that were the case, we'd all be in big trouble. Forgiveness is about love and mercy. God loves us, and chooses to forgive us no matter how many times we sin against Him. That is completely amazing to me! And we should learn to do the same. So as it is Forgiveness Sunday, I must ask. Please, forgive me a sinner.

God bless,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First Signs of Spring!

Today as I was walking to class (for midterms, yikes!) I took notice of all the little glimpses of spring that are beginning to emerge now that it's March. On my walk back from school after 3 hours of intense midterm-taking, I decided to relax by making my usually brisk walk into a stroll, and to take pictures of the first signs of spring. Here is my adventure.

A Bradford Pear tree blooming on campus. I love these because they bloom so early in the year. Of course, they smell bad, though. But they sure are pretty!

Now for a quick lunch at The Yellow Deli!
They had some beautiful flowers hanging outside.

More lovely flowers lining the entrance of TYD.

I pass this adorable house every time I walk to school, and I just love it.
The colors are very fresh and spring-y, and the garden is wonderful.

This was such a beautiful sight! Bradford Pears all the way down 8th Street.
It made my day!

The front yard of a wonderful little house. This rose bush and tree are brilliant!
Especially with the yellow flowers next to the fence.

A beautifully bright, but gloomy daffodil. It was overcast today.
Must have been missing the sun.

Even the tree in our front yard is budding!
It's going to be bright pink and beautiful!

Spring is truly my favorite time of year! I love that everything is beginning to bloom and produce new life. It makes me very happy.

God bless,