Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Projects

This summer has brought new challenges for me. With my brother getting married I am out of a roommate (but I'd much rather have a new sister than a roommate), so now I have to go searching for a new roomie and a new apartment. While I'm doing this, I am staying with my parents. It's a tight fit, and all my stuff is in boxes (some in storage too), but at least this gives me a chance to save up money and it gives me some time to redo my furniture. When I moved into my last apartment the walls were stark white and there was no chance of painting them, so I went with blue and cream as my color scheme. I painted my dresser a light turquoise and off-white. It was a very funky look. Also, I painted my formerly wood-stained bed frame off-white. Clearly I did not think my color scheme through very well because the whole time I lived there I was yearning for something red. Yes, red is my favorite color. Now, I don't fully agree with that statement because I really love all the colors. My "color of the moment" as I like to call it, changes frequently, but my constant go-to, must-have color is red. I adore red. Unfortunately there was no red in my room at my apartment. What was I thinking?! I was trying to do something different, but somethings will always stay the same. So with new prospects ahead of me I decided I would take some time to redo my furniture in a scheme that is more suiting to me. Meaning, I'm adding a splash of red.
First is my dresser. I've been thinking of redoing it for a long time and I have finally come up with 3 options.
Option 1: I will paint it white and cover it in old sheet music. This would be the most time- consuming, and was my original idea.

Option 2: Instead of covering the entire dresser in sheet music, I would paint the outside white and cover only the drawer fronts. This would be a less busy design and give more freedom to the other colors I use in my room.

Option 3: A far cry from the above ideas, my third is to paint my dresser white and do a nautical design. (I found these pillows on Etsy, and they are perfect for a nautical theme.)
Maybe I'll paint my new drawer pulls red or blue, or add an anchor print to the drawer fronts. We'll see, this idea is still in the works.

Now for the hardest part, choosing which one to do. I did go to the store today and bought some new brushes, white paint, drop cloth, spray paint! Yes, lots of red spray paint, which will be used for another project in the not-too-distant-future. Stay tuned for updates on my projects for my "new" furniture!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wedding Day!

As many of you know, yesterday my brother Sam was married to my former roommate Christina. It was an absolutely wonderful day, and I'm so grateful that I was a part of it. I couldn't help but think of how great it is to have someone I can call my sister. I always wanted a sister growing up, and my parents always tried to persuade me otherwise, but I never stopped wanting a sister. It's not that I wanted to give up one of my brothers or even wanted my parents to have another child. Those thoughts never even occurred to me. I just wanted someone to talk to at the end of the day about boys or clothes or girly things. Someone who would go to the mall with just to walk around and look at clothes we couldn't afford. Someone to give fashion advice to and to get fashion advice from. Someone who was there every night when I got home and would share their day with me as I would with them. I thank God that this past year I got my lifelong wish. I know that Christina only officially became my sister (in-law) yesterday, but she has been a part of our family since she and my brothers moved to Chattanooga last summer. She and I roomed together in a tiny, crappy apartment, and she became that "sister" that I had always wanted. She's a wonderful person and has made my brother immensely happy.
Yesterday was such a joy for all of us. Everyone all dressed up and looking beautiful. Everything finally coming together after months of stressful preparation. Christina looked gorgeous in her dress, but I honestly couldn't stop looking at my brother. I've never seen him so happy before. Every time during the service the priest said "married" or "husband" or "wife" he would smile and glance at her. A few times he caught my brother Nathan's eye and just grin at him. It was so wonderful to see him so happy.
I love them both very much and I'm so grateful to have been a part of their wedding. I can't wait to watch them continue building their lives together. May God grant them many years!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

So, today was tough. It just wasn't very good. Some things are happening that upset me and I'm just uncertain about a lot of stuff, mostly about what I'll be doing this summer in terms of living arrangements, etc. Got a lot of things on my mind right now, and of course it's finals week. I need to relax, and take a little break from everything tonight. So I'm going to borrow from Julie Andrews. Here's a few of my favorite things.

J'adore J.Crew!

I bought roses just like this for my mom last year. They were absolutely gorgeous and I fell in love with lavender roses!

Red is my favorite color. I absolutely love it. Especially when it comes to flowers. When I see something red, it always makes me feel better.

Breakfast at Tiffany's. What more can I say? It's my go-to feel-good movie. I would say it's my number two favorite movie... to Beauty and the Beast. My all time favorite movie, it brings me joy every time I watch it. Which is quite often. I can actually recite the entire movie while I watch it. And I'm not ashamed. I love it that much.

Finally, I love all things British. From tea to their accents to the Royal Family. Of course, I adore the Royal Family! Especially those adorable princes. And don't they look so cute in their uniforms? (I also like guys in uniform, so that works, too.)

Here they are again at a polo match look very cute in their, ahem, uniforms.

And there we go. I feel better already. I love J.Crew, and flowers, and all things red. I love Breakfast at Tiffany's and Beauty and the Beast, and British princes. I think some English tea and watching Breakfast at Tiffany's are in store for me now.

"When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad."
- Sound of Music "My Favorite Things"

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Death of an Enemy

I was at Mellow Mushroom tonight with my friend Nancy after work, and I looked up at the TV which said "Osama Bin Laden has been killed" in big bold white letters. The volume was not turned on, so we didn't know how or when, but I went home and saw an email from the Washington Post that said he had been killed in a CIA operation and President Obama would be announcing it tonight from the White House. I wanted to say I was glad, I wanted to feel relief. But that wasn't what I felt at all. I checked on Facebook to see what everyone was saying. There were funny posts, patriotic posts, excited posts. My uncle was the only one I saw with a status reflecting Christian views in that the death of another human being is not a joyful event. I couldn't help but express my feelings that I'm an Orthodox Christian before I'm an American, and I certainly love my country, and understand why we killed him, but I cannot rejoice. That's still one more person who will never again have the opportunity to repent, and that is a terrible thing. I'm not saying it wasn't necessary, I'm sure many innocent lives are spared now, but he's still a person made in the image of God. I've never really thought about that when I looked at him. Honestly, it just came to me now. Osama Bin Laden was made in the image of God. What a powerful realization. Until now, I never realized the true meaning of that statement. I've always thought about that statement in regards to my friends or people in need, but never have I envisioned our enemies. I'm stunned. I feel speechless. I don't know how to describe how mind-boggling that is to me. All I can say is holy crap.
I wanted to write on Facebook "May God have mercy on him." I chickened out. Instead I put "Lord have mercy." I didn't want people to think that I wished Osama wasn't dead. That's certainly not the case. I'm just sad that we live in a world where killing is necessary. Where we have made killing necessary. So I'll say it now. May God have mercy on his soul. Having finally said that, I want to clarify one thing. I don't want God to have mercy on Osama for his own sake. I want God to have mercy on him for my sake. For everyone else's sake. I can only hope that the mercy of God is so great that he could bestow it upon a man like Osama. I don't know if that's possible, only God knows, but that certainly would be spectacular for the rest of us.
I also wanted to be relieved because I wish that Bin Laden's death meant the end of the war. But I know that is not what it means. Yes, it is a victory for the US, but I know that our troops won't be coming back and retaliation will come eventually. Sooner or later there will be more fighting, and more destruction because terror will never end. This "War on Terror" will never end. Until the second coming we will always be fighting against terrorist forces, maybe not in the Middle East, maybe not the terrorist forces we know now, but terror and evil will always rear it's ugly head in our world and it's a never-ending fight.
So with all this running through my head, I really don't have any room to be happy. The taking away of a human life is always disturbing to me, no matter how "necessary" it is. All I can do is pray. Lord Have Mercy.