Monday, May 16, 2011

Wedding Day!

As many of you know, yesterday my brother Sam was married to my former roommate Christina. It was an absolutely wonderful day, and I'm so grateful that I was a part of it. I couldn't help but think of how great it is to have someone I can call my sister. I always wanted a sister growing up, and my parents always tried to persuade me otherwise, but I never stopped wanting a sister. It's not that I wanted to give up one of my brothers or even wanted my parents to have another child. Those thoughts never even occurred to me. I just wanted someone to talk to at the end of the day about boys or clothes or girly things. Someone who would go to the mall with just to walk around and look at clothes we couldn't afford. Someone to give fashion advice to and to get fashion advice from. Someone who was there every night when I got home and would share their day with me as I would with them. I thank God that this past year I got my lifelong wish. I know that Christina only officially became my sister (in-law) yesterday, but she has been a part of our family since she and my brothers moved to Chattanooga last summer. She and I roomed together in a tiny, crappy apartment, and she became that "sister" that I had always wanted. She's a wonderful person and has made my brother immensely happy.
Yesterday was such a joy for all of us. Everyone all dressed up and looking beautiful. Everything finally coming together after months of stressful preparation. Christina looked gorgeous in her dress, but I honestly couldn't stop looking at my brother. I've never seen him so happy before. Every time during the service the priest said "married" or "husband" or "wife" he would smile and glance at her. A few times he caught my brother Nathan's eye and just grin at him. It was so wonderful to see him so happy.
I love them both very much and I'm so grateful to have been a part of their wedding. I can't wait to watch them continue building their lives together. May God grant them many years!

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